Saturday, 1 January 2011

Task 4: Web research (Documentaries analysis of Wife Swap- MediaEdu)

Analysis of ‘Wife Swap’


Slow paced during video diaries conversations to see reactions.

Fast paced during disco to represent excitement.

Freezes before advert breaks – build suspense for what’s to come.

Frequent and fast paced between each of families – compare and laugh at both families (social divide)

Fade to black when girl went to sleep/ signify a time change.

Thinking about intercepting of video diaries

Camera Angles

Hand held – as if aud are with them – create realism.

CU shots – to show reactions and capture every moment, put ourselves in Jade’s stressful position while she is cooking.

Establishing shots of environment to compare and contrast (filmic technique)

Pan of forests in Wiltshire, and compare to shots of road in Bermondsey.

Video diaries – lots of close ups, grainy amateur = adds realism and personal (homemade) Tripod – allows you to concentrate on what they’re saying


Music – reflects atmosphere classical for upper class, pop for working class.

Mood/ emotion music to help audience know what the characters feel (disco)


Sets the scene – introduces. Male voice – sophisticated with a dark humour to provoke humour from audience. Predicts (although he knows!) what’s going to happen.

Makes you laugh at things which are serious (lady Ingram and age)
Judgmental – “Jade has to cook for 9 people and Major doesn’t lift a finger” “It’s a far cry from the bacon and egg butties they are used to.”


Interview technique, music, similar camera angles but with more of an emphasis on video diaries.


Seems as if characters are acting. More humorous. Purely based on entertainment, audience asked to side more with specific characters – but you choose the side you want to favour (couples are pitched as teams – more like a game.)

(Resource created by Jemma Goulds)

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