Saturday, 20 November 2010

Critcal Investigation proposal

I would pitch my idea as "Supernanny goes to school"

This reality show, set in a school, focuses on out of control, angry, intimidating students who have weak, vunerable teachers who just can't cope.

To solve this constant torment, the "Take Overs" come in- three strong minded, skilled, experienced, boot camp like authoritative figures who go into the class room and shake things up a bit by disiplining them, to turn them into ideal students.

This will have similar ideologies and values to Supernanny and Wife Swap as it aims to better people in society. It fits into a contemporary media landscape as it is reality tv and aims to tackle "obedient teens" and related moral panics associated e.g. gang culture and knife crime.

This would target an age range of 16-35: teens who can identify with the setting and student characters, and adults- parents and teachers- can identify with the teen characters in the text


This text might be controversial as it may appear to reinforce negative stereotypes of teenages. However, as most classes are, there are particular students who are the bad one and some who are the good hard working. I would aim to reflect this as best as I can.


Similar structure for every episode: Equilbrium would be the bad class with the stressed out teenagers, disequlibrim would be the takeovers coming in disrupting the norm, the new equilibrium would be the students' behaviour improves and the teacher can relax in lessons =)

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