Saturday 9 October 2010


From G's to Gents

Media Language- Iconographies- Lots of gold jewellery, smoking and expensive cars- stereotypical objects associated with gangsters.

Institution- Producer- Jamie Foxx- known for producing films for black audiences, aired on MTV- audiences

Genre- Reality programme- uses conevntions e.g. characters having a 1 to 1 with the camera

Representation- Misrepresents black males to be or "wannabe" "gangsters". The Host is an alternative representation of black males signified by costume (smart ect)


Ideologies- Progressive ideologies- to change people -"remove" or challenge black male stereotypes that already exist in society

Narrative- many episodes contain Proppian heroes and villains. – Mediated for audiences to take sides. There is always a disequilibrium (fights, people losing the competition) and new equilibrium (character develops, one character is lost)

Dating in the dark

Media Language- Night vision- Voyeuristic- puts the audience in power of the date

Institution- Broadcasted by Living- female housewife audiences

Genre- Reality programme - uses conevntions e.g. characters having a 1 to 1 with the camera

Representation- Representations are dominant- females are communal e.g. toasting with glasses of champagne


Ideologies- Looks and appearance seems to dominate our society, this show questions if both sexes can look beyond looks or not.

Narrative- Unconventional narrative:
Equilibrium- Single ladies and single guys doing their own thing
Disruption- they have dates in the dark
Realisation- they might like the person
New equilibrium- they stay with the person or leave them

Big Brother

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